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Hildegard Week

The first Hildegard week for nutrition, medicine and music by Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179) has now concluded which took place in the city and district of Bad Kreuznach and Bingen am Rhein and thus in the middle of the historic “Land of Hildegard”.

You support the Scivias Institute by watching “Ordo Virtutum”. This program is in Latin and German. Enjoy the two-minute trailer that is part of the 2-hour program.

Watch Saint Hildegard’s unique Singspiel “Ordo Virtutum – Order of Powers” from the historic Pauluskirche in Bad Kreuznach, Germany. This was a highlight performance by the renowned ensemble of Maria Jonas & Ars Choralis Coeln. A portion of these sales go to the Scivias Institute, the non-profit organizer of the Hildegard Woche.

“With the ORDO VIRTUTUM Hildegard created Europe’s earliest mystery play to have come down to us in written form. One perceives Hildegard’s passion for creating and her talent for dramatic staging’s when she allows the powers of virtue to appear as allegories and to sing: Hildegard’s musical vision of a divine order.”

The renowned ensemble of Maria Jonas & Ars Choralis Coeln will perform Hildegard’s “Ordo Virtutum -Order of Powers” 

These videos are available because of the filming that the Scivias Media Team did under the coordination of Director Michael M. Conti along with key team member Janucz Reichenbach, who generously provided his equipment and time for these efforts. Additional camera operators were Jacob Esser and Matthias Baden. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did in making them available to you.

Discover the Words of Saint Hildegard von Bingen

Comprehensive Multi-Language Book, Featuring Chapter Notes, an Illustrated Map, and Colorful Images

Texts of all nine presentations have been translated into German, English, French, Italian, Dutch, Polish and Spanish. Hildegard Speaks (multi-languages): Hildegard spricht, Hildegarde parle, Ildegada parla, Hildegard spreekt, Hildegarda habla…

Based on historic quotations from the writings of Saint Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179), Dr. Annette Esser wrote these nine texts in which Hildegard, so to say, speaks herself. This well-researched multi-language book includes chapter notes, a detailed historic timeline, an illustrated color map of Hildegard Way in Germany, along with colorful images from the land of Hildegard.

Hildegard Speaks multi languages

Film Premiere

The cultural program includes a film premiere: the American filmmaker Michael M. Conti presents the German version of his film “Hildegard Speaks”, which he made in 2019 with Dr. Annette Esser and filmed on the Hildegardweg.

Premiere screening for Hildegard spricht
Hildegard Woche 2022

Discover the Life and Works of Hildegard of Bingen with the Pilgrimage Book

The Hildegard of Bingen Pilgrimage Book directs you along the way, offering short descriptions of each of the ten stages. It also provides profound information about Hildegard’s life and her theological, musical, medical, and botanical works. Biblical texts and meditative poems are included to offer you additional inspiration, furthering the potential for your own spiritual discoveries in the company of Hildegard.

Hildegard of Bingen Pilgrimage Book

Project sponsor is the Scivias Institute for Art and Spirituality eV – Projektträger ist das Scivias-Institut für Kunst und Spiritualität e.V. – Kooperationspartner sind die Naheland-Touristik GmbH; die Katholische Erwachsenenbildung, KEB Rhein-Hunsrück-Nahe; die Gesundheit und Tourismus für Bad Kreuznach GmbH, die VHS Bad Kreuznach (GUT); die Rupertsberger Hildegard-Gesellschaft e.V.; die Scivias-Stiftung Disibodenberg; der Hildegardis-Freundeskreis Disibodenberg e.V. und das Heimatmuseum Priorhof in Bad Sobernheim. – Förderer sind der Kultursommer Rheinland-Pfalz; die Sparkasse Rhein-Nahe, die Bürkle-Stiftung u.a.

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